Deep into my darkest space
Ther, where shadows have no place
Where my faith's a dirthy beast
I am kissing "deep" a priest.
I am striped down to my bone
All my God's around are gone
It's a bloody hunger feast
Borned into my hideous priest.
All the dreams are melting fast
Into hate, revenge, untrust
All before this painfull kiss
Of my tiny little priest
Strip the priest until he's hot
Burning in the devil's plot
Strip him till he dies in pain
Untill nothing will remain
All the angels in the sky
Kiss eachoter and then die
As i kiss that hole of hell
And the dirthy priest aswell.
Strip the priest
Author: Iulian /In the middle
Author: Iulian /Sometimes... it's not so far away from me
Not even close as it supposed to be
It's in a middle... all this time who pass
It's in a middle of a field with blood on grass
I need another wing to live much more
I need it, but sometimes I'm not so sure
Right in the middle of my head
Or in the middle of my heart instead
Just give me please another chance
I need a little bit more time to sing and dance
Don't leave this middle time to pass
Don't leave my wing to lay under the grass
La pas
Author: Iulian /
Pas cu pas spre casa noastra
aia veche
smulsa via-n poam'albastra
cu pereche
Daca ma intrebi pe mine
te astept
Tipa tare ca se-aude-aici,
in piept.
Este inima, stiut-a draga,
Ca de-atat ce-asteapta timpul
nu mai moare.
Pas cu pas catre gradina,
un picior
Mangaind tarana plina
de suspin si dor
Face-un pas si inca unu
mai razlet
Ei..., piciorul ca si plopu' ca si prunu'
-i indraznet
Crede el c-o sa te vada
chiar acum
Nu te vede si il doare,
ce nebun...
Pas cu pas, da' hai la dealu' scolii
ca sa vezi
Hai sa numaram stejarii
aia verzi
S-adunam o mie de-ntrebari
Sa dansam in mandre hori
cotroboind padurea
Robotind peste granitul de argint
si, iar mi-e dor,
de ce sa uit de ce sa mint...
de concasor
Si pas cu pas la pas cu amintire
draga mea
Acum noi oameni dintr-o fire
s-ar putea
Sa obosim si sa uitam de toate.
prea tarziu...
Sa coboram pe uliti sau prin spate.
prea pustiu...
Piciorul meu si inima si mana
Asteapta saptamana, anu', luna
Ca la Crucele cornele de toamna
sa ne vedem cumva vreodata
iubita doamna...
Poezie dedicata bunei si iubitei mele prietene, Vali Ionescu