Last hides behind

Author: Iulian /

The days are darker in this times
The seconds pass behind and hide
Nobody have more lives, but mine's
Become grotesque and blind.

Forget about the year that passed
It's just about some curves and lines
Remember it, i think, at last
Deserves a bunch of other lives.

Thouse lives that come, make love and go
Thouse loves behind that hide
In miracles. The wind that blow
This season give's my mind a ride.

I lost again, i loose in every day
I won much more in other side
With this life there is no other way
She's hiding well, as love... it hide.

Never taught

Author: Iulian /

I never taught to change my dreams
I never did, at least now i understand
More then what i see it seems
Day dreamer... I know where you stand.

I never taught to see you white
So colorfull before, and now you shine
The sun itself it's not that bright
When in my dreams apeare your line.

I never taught to tell you this before
I changed my mind sience afternoon
But day by day I love you more
And dream to take you to the moon.

I never taught to fly with you so high
This love it really gives you wings
And now i think I'll never say good bye
I need to have with you more springs.

I never taught that me, miself, I can confess
But what I know about miself so far?
That witouth you I'm dreamless. And yes
I want to be with you my litle star.

Colindul meu

Author: Iulian /

Nu mai stiu sa cant colinde
Le-am uitat de cand eram
Pe carari de sat cazande
De nameti. Ne bucuram....

Leganat de mana sor-mii
Crivatul adulmecand
Doamne, cat de dor mi-i
Sa le-aud cantand.

Maine o sa cant va jur
Cu un clopotel in mana
Chiar de paru-mi e mai sur
Cantam impreuna.

O sa va colind cu-n gand
De departe tare...
O sa va colind plangand
O colinda mare.

Run away from our heart

Author: Iulian /

Let's walk away from this Universe today
Let's go to sing a song of love behind the sun
To rule the Earth, but that's God's play
Let's steal it and let's run!

You didn't answer, but all i need to know
Is... if you run with me away from home
And if you want to play with me in the same show
Or play guitar on the streets of Rome.

Let's meet as we never saw eachother before
To smile and hug in the middle of the rain
I know that you like this, in fact i'm sure
That you'll forget about all other pain.

You didn't answer me, it's all about walking
away from our slavery, away from our heart:
"You know.... I'm not so good at talking
I just express myself in art".


Author: Iulian /

Tu mai stii ce-nseamna maine?
Eu am inteles de ieri
E o zi ce se compune
Din sperante si dureri.

Eu te cred cand spui ca maine
N-ai mai vrea sa fie ieri
Ziua care se compune
Din prieteni efemeri.

Si sa nu uitam ca maine
Daca tot murim ca ieri
Asteptand un colt de paine
Ne-ndreptam spre "invieri".